COVID-19 Response

Update: March 18, 2020

Dear FCC family,

We have all experienced the need to adapt quickly as COVID-19 efforts unfold. Here is an update on things at FCC:

This Sunday, March 22 service will be held online only with no services at the building. You can take part in the service through our website any time from Sunday morning on. Just click the “Watch Live” banner on the homepage. Our online time together will include the same elements as a regular service, including music, communion (make your own preparations), an opportunity to give online and an American Sign Language interpreter during the message. There will also be programming for Next Gen available online. With the increasing numbers of neighbors at home now, this is a great time to invite them to join us online.

On-campus programming and events will be canceled until further notice.

Contact: The office phone number is 937-399-1000. General questions can also be emailed to The best way to contact staff members is through their email (available at - click on the picture of the staff you wish to reach).

Resources: Watch our website and Facebook page for a growing list of resources that our staff is working on for personal growth and inspiration during the week.

Volunteer Opportunities: Also watch for future service opportunities to our church family and neighbors. Currently, we are recruiting those willing to make phone calls of encouragement. Sign up here to make phone calls.

Giving: With the duration of the current circumstances unknown, a challenge for churches, organizations, and businesses is the impact of continued expenses and reduced income. For our FCC family, the most convenient way to give is You can also mail your gift to:

First Christian Church

3638 Middle Urbana Rd. 

Springfield, Ohio 45502

The building may be closed but the church is not. Let’s look for new opportunities and methods to be the church and pursue the mission.


FCC Leadership
