(5’s - 1st Grade)

Sundays | 9:30 + 11:00am

The Kid City hallway is the location for Sunday morning classes for 5-year-olds, kindergarteners, and first graders. Children start out in their individual classrooms, then assemble in the Treehouse for large group worship and a Bible lesson. They then return to their classrooms for activities which reinforce the biblical teaching and practical life application.

5-year-olds | 5th Avenue
Kindergarten | K Road
1st Grade | First Street


Elementary-age children are to be checked in by an adult and wear the name tag which prints at the check-in station. Children are released only to parents (or an adult relative or high school age sibling who presents the claim ticket for the child). There is a sign-in sheet for visitors at the check- in kiosk, as well as blank name tags, allergy alert stickers, and registration forms.



(2nd - 5th Grade)

Sundays | 9:30 + 11:00am

2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders meet in the gym on Sunday mornings, gathering on bleachers to worship together through song, prayer, and attention to God’s word. Our trained volunteers teach the Bible lesson in creative ways in this large group time. After large group time, the kids break into small groups for a variety of hands-on activities which are both fun and thought-provoking as they relate to the biblical teaching. In small groups, the kids also focus on memorizing the monthly Bible verse and praying.

Communion is offered each week for those who have committed to following Christ and have been baptized.

Before and after each service, kids have an opportunity to socialize with one another and their group leaders, with a favorite game being 9-Square-In-The-Air.